Bhangra Videos

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Nachhatar Gill - Es Janam (Video)

Check out the full video for 'Es Janam' by Nachhatar Gill. The song comes off the album titled, "Nach Patlo" featuring various artists.

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The ten track album which features, Nachatar Gill, Lehmber Hussainpuri, Hans Raj Hans, Miss Pooja and many more is the long waited album by Baldev Mastana whose last album titled, 'Icons' was released in 2008.

The video is directed by Rimpy Prince.

Music is by Baldev Mastana, Presentation - Satti Khokhewalia and Lyrics by Tari Bidhipuria.

Released on the Starmakers label / World Music. - The Home of Bhangra & Asian Music Online {jcomments on}