Premz - Closure (Sun Zara)
Presenting the song Closure (Sun Zara) by Premz | Music by TaZzZ.
There are some that hide behind music using it as barrier between themselves and the real world. Then there are those that use music for their own individualistic, selfish gain using it as a way to a means of getting what they want. But then you have the ones that walk with music, partnering it and befriending it on the journey to an unknown destination, and into this category fits young London based MC, Premz.
Premz is an MC / Rapper from South East London, and has been in the music game since he was fourteen… but has only really just begun. Tempo doesn’t make a difference to the quality - Premz is known for appearing on many different genres and fusions of music. He has appeared on many different radio stations and shows; Including the “Friction Show” on BBC Asian Network, “Hew Steven’s” show on BBC Radio One, and the “Mic Check” show on BBC Asian Network, on which he as appeared three times.
He is played by many more radio shows, including internet radio shows. Breaking into the rap/UK Urban scene today is possibly more difficult than ever, one of the reasons for that, rap is no longer what is set out to be, unless you wish to sail will the winds of change and become more commercially viable, you may well be left behind. A genuine rapper who uses the platform he has to highlight what he see’s around him daily, is becoming less and less visible in todays commercially “pimped” rap game.
The appeal of Premz and his music is growing considerably on a daily basis, and his message of bringing lyricism to the forefront of music again is getting the attention of listeners from around the world- and with Premz making more music than ever, there is certainly more beautiful music on the way.
Artist: Premz Song: Closure (Sun Zara) Lyrics: Premz Music by TaZzZ Mixed & Mastered by TaZzZ ✔ Connect with Premz Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Snapchat: